Who could benefit from Kambo? Exploring the Kambo Benefits for Various Health Conditions


Any adult (18+ years) could benefits from Kambo. If you are interested in improving your own wellbeing. As its benefits can be felt right way in the body, mind, and spirit.

Many people, even without serious medical conditions, benefit from Kambo by experiencing mental clarity, a sense of peace and being grounded.

Many other people have found relief and improved their medical conditions with the use of Kambo benefits.

The bioactive peptides contained in the secretion are beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. Many of these peptides penetrate the blood/brain barrier which not only initiates a deep cleanse within the body. But results in a much-improved immune system.

Kambo is known to have antibiotic properties. It strengthens the immune system and effectively eliminates pathogenic microorganisms from the body on a physical level. Kambo is also known to be effective as an anti-inflammatory, alleviates pain, and rejuvenates eyesight. In addition, its uses have been widely documented including treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, migraines, depression, blood circulation, cardiovascular problems, female fertility problems, AIDS, etc.


Additional Benefits:

  • Feeling completely whole from the inside and out.
  • Boosts immune function.
  • Improves overall stamina and physical strength.
  • Releases emotional blocks.
  • Flushes out toxins from the body.
  • Clears energy in the chakras (energy centers).
  • Stress relief.
  • Boost self esteem.
  • Releases negative energy (panema).
  • Complete detox.
  • Enjoy a more meaningful connection with your inner spirit and purpose.
  • Increase physical healing and wellbeing.





Even though Kambo is safe if administered by an IAKP Kambo practitioner. There are individuals who are not ideal candidates due to the following conditions:

  • Serious heart problems and/or open heart surgeries.
  • Stroke, blood clots or aneurysm.
  • Brain hemorrhage.
  • Pregnant or about to get pregnant (includes pregnant women who are breastfeeding babies under 6 months old).
  • Taking prescription medicine for low blood pressure.
  • Current and severe epilepsy.
  • Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy taken in the past 4 weeks.
  • Recovering from any major surgery.
  • Taking immune suppressants because of organ transplant.
  • Addison’s disease.
  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
  • Any previous oesophageal tear or rupture.
  • Psychological disorders or other serious mental health problems (excluding anxiety, depression, and PTSD).
  • You lack the capacity to make a decision to take Kambo.
  • Under 18 years old.








Who could benefit from Kambo? Exploring the Kambo Benefits for Various Health Conditions

Please share with us before your session if you have one of the following:



  • If you’re a woman undergoing fertility treatment,
  • While also dealing with a severe eating disorder,
  • And using sleeping aids or slimming supplements,
  • Especially if you’ve been fasting and have low electrolyte levels,
  • Avoid Kambo if you’ve recently used toad medicine (Bufo Alvarius) or Iboga/Ibogaine,
  • Additionally, refrain from Kambo if you’ve undergone procedures like colonics, enemas, or liver flushes,
  • Lastly, consider your situation if you struggle with drug and/or alcohol addiction.


Covid19 Precautions and Considerations

We strongly recommend avoiding participating in a Kambo session if you are experiencing one of the following conditions:

  • Tested positive for COVID-19
  • Someone in your household has COVID-19
  • You suspect you have COVID-19
  • Trouble breathing/Shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or ability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of Smell and Taste
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose

Other Considerations before Taking Kambo

The following conditions may not exactly “disqualify” you as a candidate, but you need to let us know in advance if the following conditions are true, so that we can tailor your session around them:

  • Anorexic or bulimic.
  • Recently stopped taking slimming supplementation.
  • Liver and/or kidney problems.
  • Recently put a stop to prescription medication.
  • Regularly consume sports energy drinks.

Before you decide to take a Kambo session, the following need to be considered as well:

  • Avoid the use of liver flushes, colonics, enemas or any water-based detox on either side, three days prior to your session.
  • If you’re diabetic, you must bring testing strips, insulin, and pack extra food with you.
  • Menstruation may increase 24-36 hours after a Kambo treatment.
  • If you’re asthmatic, please be sure to bring along your inhaler.

Your Kambo Session Checklist:

In order to ensure that your Kambo session is a complete success, please prepare beforehand and bring the following with you:

  • One (1) gallon of water (not distilled) – this is to be consumed during the ceremony and only when your Practitioner directs you to do so.
  • A fresh set of clothes.
  • Hair tie to tie your hair back.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothes.

Dietary Checklist:

  • No solid food is to be consumed 8 hours before the treatment. FASTING is a MUST.
  • Keep hydrated the day before the Kambo session and stop drinking liquids 2 hours before your session.
  • Alcohol or other recreational substances are to be avoided 24 to 48 hours before the session.
  • Also, before and after treatment, food that is hard on the liver needs to be abstained from.

Significance of Kambo in Health and Wellness

In pursuing wellness, many people turn to natural treatments practiced for centuries by indigenous cultures. One such treatment is Kambo, a traditional ritual using the secretions of the giant monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). This practice, originating from the Amazon rainforest, has gained significant attention for its potential to cleanse the body, boost the immune system, and enhance overall well-being.

At Kambomex, Eduardo is dedicated to bringing the profound benefits of Kambo to our community. Kambo’s powerful detoxifying properties make it an ideal addition to the wellness regimen, helping individuals achieve a higher state.

Crucial Role of Eduardo’s Private Home

Eduardo conducts Kambo sessions in his private home, making it a sanctuary for those seeking to rejuvenate their bodies and minds. Kambomex serves as a haven for holistic wellness. Eduardo understands that true wellness encompasses more than just the absence of illness; it is about achieving a balanced and harmonious state of being. Eduardo is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to wellness, ensuring that each treatment is tailored to your specific needs.

Benefits of Frog Detox in Phoenix, Arizona

One of the standout services we offer at Kambomex is the Frog Detox in Phoenix, Arizona. This unique detoxification process involves the application of Kambo, which is known for its potent cleansing properties. The benefits of this frog detox are manifold, making it a popular choice for those looking to reset their bodies and minds.

The Kambo treatment stimulates the body’s natural detoxification pathways, helping to eliminate toxins and impurities. It also boosts the immune system, improves mental clarity, and increases energy levels. Many participants report profound well-being and emotional release after undergoing the frog detox. By choosing Kambomex for your Frog Detox, you choose a holistic approach to wellness that resolves the root causes of imbalance and disease.

Locations We Serve in Arizona:

At Kambomex, Eduardo is proud to serve multiple locations across Arizona, ensuring that our transformative wellness services are accessible to as many people as possible. Our primary locations include:

  1. Phoenix: In Phoenix, we offer a range of wellness services designed to promote optimal well- being. Eduardo conducts our Kambo ceremonies in Phoenix, which ensures a safe and supportive environment for all participants.
  2. Tucson: In Tucson, we bring the benefits of Kambo and other wellness practices to the community, helping individuals achieve better wellness in Arizona.
  3. Scottsdale: Scottsdale residents can also take advantage of our wellness services. We offer a range of treatments, including Kambo ceremonies, designed to enhance your wellness in Scottsdale.

What Happens in Our Kambo Ceremonies?

Kambo ceremonies at Kambomex are meticulously designed to ensure a safe, respectful, and effective spiritual experience. Each ceremony begins with a consultation where Eduardo assesses your health and wellness goals. This step is crucial in tailoring the Kambo application to your specific needs.

During the ceremony, small burn marks are made on the skin to create entry points for the Kambo secretion. Once applied, the secretion quickly enters the lymphatic system, starting its potent cleansing process. Participants might experience a range of physical and emotional reactions,
including nausea, sweating, and emotional release. These reactions are a normal part of detoxification and are closely monitored by Eduardo.

After the ceremony, participants are given time to rest and integrate their experiences. Eduardo provides post-treatment support to help you process the effects and maximize the benefits of the Kambo treatment.

Why Choose Kambomex?

Choosing Kambomex means opting for a holistic approach to wellness in Arizona. Our commitment to excellence and care sets us apart.

Here’s why you should consider Kambomex:

  • Supportive Environment: We offer a nurturing space for all participants, ensuring a positive and transformative experience.
  • Customized Care: We tailor each treatment to your needs, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

At Kambomex, we are passionate about helping you achieve optimal wellness. Whether you are new to Kambo or looking to deepen your wellness journey, Eduardo is here to support you every step of the way. Experience the transformative power of Kambo and embark on a path to spiritual journey with Kambomex.